FIFTEENTH MEETING held in Calcutta - 26th/27th December, 1997
Delegates from 9 member associations attended. Canada had sent their apologies. Pakistan and Sri Lanka were welcomed as new members and Bangladesh had shown some interest in joining and would be admitted as an Associate Member in due course.
Two parallel associations from Pakistan had disrupted the right of the Pakistan Women's Cricket Control Association to represent their country.
The growth in international cricket had increased administration costs and the IWCC was in debt - NZ$7,791. As a consequence, it was agreed a one-off levy of NZ$1,000 would be raised on all members. The continuing lack of co-operation from certain member countries had caused communication problems. Contact had been made with ICC and some general progress had been made. The Drugs Policy, based on IOC Charter, was accepted.
New Zealand confirmed they would host World Cup in 2000 as Millennium Funding would be forthcoming. There would be a round robin pool of 8 teams (the quarter finalists from 1997 World Cup). A Qualifying Tournament (IWCC Trophy) for other affiliated countries would be held in 2002. South Africa were asked to host the following World Cup in 2004.
The ownership rights to the World Cup Trophy were vested in IWCC, who would provide guidelines for the running of the competition. A proportion of any sponsorship/marketing should accrue to IWCC.
A Discussion Paper from N.Z. Cricket was tabled, which recommended the appointment of a part-time administrator on a two-year contract. The current Officers and Executive Committee incumbents to continue until January, 2000.
The delegates were split into four groups for a .brain-storming session. with particular reference to Development, Management, Marketing and Competitions. The output from the discussion would form the basis of future governance and management.
In June, 1999, a part-time Executive Officer, funded by N.Z. Cricket, was appointed. In June, 2000, a draft Strategic Plan and Budget for the next five years was presented to the ICC.