Belinda Haggett |
Carole Hodges batting |
Carole Hodges batting |
Carole Hodges batting |
Carole Hodges batting |
Photograph of Carole Hodges receiving the trophy after England Women won the Test Series against India, 1986 |
Carole Hodges |
Carole Hodges in action against India, 1986 |
Photograph of Carole Hodges receiving the trophy after England Women won the Test Series against India, 1986 |
Carole Hodges in action against New Zealand in the 3rd Test, 1984 |
Cathy Harris |
Chris Harvey |
Chris Harvey coaching |
Con Holden |
Helene Hegarty |
Helene Hegarty |
Helene Hegarty |
Helene Hegarty |
Jill Hirst |
Joan Hawes |
Joan Hawes |
June Howard |
June Howard |
June Howard |
Marjorie Holdsworth |
Marjorie Holdsworth |
Mary Horscroft |
Maureen Hutchinson |
Maureen Hutchinson |
Molly Hide |
Molly Hide |
Molly Hide |
Muriel Haddelsey |
Photograph of Rachael Heyhoe-Flint receiving a cheque |
Rachael Heyhoe-Flint |
Rachael Heyhoe-Flint |
Sally Hamilton |
Sally Hamilton |
Sheila Hill, umpire and scorer |
Shirley Hodges |
Val Hesmondhalgh |
Jane Horwood |
Nicola Holt |
Jill Hennessy |
Jill Hennessy Batting in the nets |
Dawn Holden batting |
Dawn Holden bowling |
Dawn Holden bowling |
Louise Haycock |
Louise Haycock |
Jackie Hawker bowling |
Jackie Hawker batting |
Jackie Hawker batting |
Sue Harrington, Wallington Women captain with a trophy |
Grace Morgan and Molly Hide |
Rachel Heyhoe, Mary Duggan and Edna Basher |
Anne Gordon and Rachel Heyhoe-Flint |
Julie Goodman and Shirley Hodges |
Karen Hicken and Justine Williams |
Sheila Hill and Anne Garton |
Marsha Davies, Kathryn Winks and Jackie Hawker |