On 4th October 1926, nineteen people met in London to take a far-reaching step, with the support of twenty others who could not be present, but approved and supported the motion formally put by Miss Doman "that a central association for women's cricket be formed". It would be a boon to those keen cricketers who had no Club to join and a stimulating influence to the game in Schools and Colleges. It was decided to call the Association pro tem "The Women's Cricket Association".
No Constitution was set, but broad lines on which the Association should function were laid down and it was left to the Committee to elaborate these. Membership for the first year was to be as an individual player or associate and the subscription was fixed at five shillings (25p). All intending members were to be proposed and seconded by persons approved by the WCA and no one under the age of sixteen was eligible.
Development of County and District organisations was left in abeyance for the first year and energies confined to the formation of Clubs.
No uniforms were to be fixed until designs could be studied, Clubs being left free to wear what they liked, though players representing the WCA would be advised to wear "tunics of a sort most suitable to the game".
This was the basis of the success of the Women's Cricket Association in all matters relating to the game. Administration is an art and is essential to the running of all organisations and demands attention to the finest, most infinite detail. Without a network of administrative levels from top to bottom off the pitch, the playing of any matches would be adversely affected.
Through this administrative network, the development of women's cricket began to evolve and develop year by year. Every attempt was made to make sure that women were aware of the laws of the game, how to play, etc. In fact, quoting from a WCA publication A Handbook on Women's Cricket (including the Laws of Cricket and Notes for Players, Umpires and Scorers circa prehistoric!) "The film sub-committee of the W.C.A. have produced a Cricket Film. This is in three captional reels with important points shown in slow motion. Many well known players are featured illustrating batting, bowling, fielding, wicket keeping and running between the wickets. Hiring fee - 10/6d". (52½p).
Organisation of matches from Club to County to England levels, plus Overseas Tours and World Cups became second nature to this invaluable network of devoted women. There was not a stone unturned in ensuring that all important phrase: "attention to detail".
From its inception, until the ECB took over in 1998, annual Reports were printed in booklet form containing details of dress code, training, coaching courses, umpires and scorers courses, etc. By 1928, the WCA had over 40 affiliated Clubs, Colleges and Schools. Membership was 4 shillings (20p) in those days! A formal Constitution was set up in 1931 stating 'The main purposes of the W.C.A. is to provide an organisation for the furtherance of women's cricket'.