Terms of Membership - Members would be asked to join the W.C.A. for the first year individually, either as playing or associate members. No member can be enrolled under the age of 16. Subscriptions for Associate Members (non-playing) 10/6d (52½p); Umpires and Scorers, 5/- (25p); Playing Members, 5/- (25p), entrance fee of 5/- (25p); Members of affiliated clubs and schools, 2/6d (12½p), with no entrance fee; Life Membership £5.5s.0d (five guineas- £5.25p); Affiliation Fees for Schools, Colleges and Clubs, 5/- (25p). Subscriptions and Affiliation Fees are due on April 1st. Resignations must take place before August 1st, otherwise subscriptions are due for that season. Affiliated Clubs, Colleges and Schools in 1928 stood at Colleges (6); Schools (32); Clubs (21).
Dress Code - W.C.A. teams must play in white or cream. Hats and knickers must be white. Dresses or tunics must not be shorter than touching the ground when kneeling. Sleeveless dresses and transparent stockings are not permitted. Shoes with spikes or nails are permissible. Size of cricket ball - The special 5 oz. ball (standardised in circumference with special gauge made for the Association by Wisden) was adopted, with the 4¾oz. ball being used by Schools.
Subscription - The subscription for the first year should be a minimum of 5/- for playing members and that members could send more if they pleased. Not less than ten members of any Cricket Club might join the W.C.A. for 4/- each. Subscription for Associate members would be 10/6d.
Qualifications of Members: Some knowledge of suitability of those wishing to become members required, while not wishing to impose restrictions which would limit membership unduly. Intending members to be proposed and seconded by people approved by the W.C.A. This included all those present and those who had been prevented from coming, but who supported the formation of the Association, should be eligible to propose and second playing members, and that a printed list of their names be circulated; that intending members, on leaving School or College, might be proposed and seconded by two members of their Staff, one being the Games Mistress. Decided that no-one under the age of 16 was eligible for membership.
Development in Counties and Districts - Members' energies should be confined to the formation of Clubs for the first year, but that the Committee of the W.C.A. should keep in view the possibilities of the formation of Country teams in the future.
Uniform - It was thought best that Clubs should be left free to wear their own uniforms, but that those players representing the W.C.A. should wear tunics of a sort most suitable to the game. Suggestion on designs recruited.
Plans for Next Season - The organising of Cricket Week thought too complicated for first season, but tours to different districts, both during term time and holidays, found general favour. The visit of touring teams to P.T.C.s (Physical Training Colleges) suggested. Committee to plan the tours.
Grounds were suggested where it might be possible to hold matches during the week, though not on Saturdays. Names of Schools were given where matches might be played during holidays.
Appointment of Provisional Officers and Committee for the Year - Miss V.M.M. Cox and Miss Hatten to act as joint Hon. Secretaries/Treasurer. Miss P. Heron Maxwell - Chairman. A further eight voted onto Committee. The Committee were given power to co-opt and they would have to meet two or three times during the Winter. Date for first Committee Meeting fixed for 5.45 on November 24th 1926 at Ex-Service Women's Club.
Publicity - A short notice about the W.C.A. to be sent to the Press. Circulate Heads of Schools, Colleges and list of Schools where cricket is played be obtained.